Stop being a passenger in your financial journey.

Boldly command your capital to protect your family's finances against institutional theft.

Stop being a passenger in your financial journey.

Boldly command your wealth to protect your family's finances against institutional theft.

72% of Americans lack control

and are stressed about money.

The average American spends 34.5% of after-tax dollars on interest payments

40% of Americans have no financial goals or strategy in place

Someone Else Controls Your Capital

You finance everything you buy. You either pay interest to a third party or you give up the interest you could have earned.

Banks and Wall Street want your money on a regular basis, they want it as long as possible, and they want to distribute it back as slowly possible, all while they earn buckets of profit with your capital!

Aren't you tired of enriching the banks with your hard-earned dollars?

The Infinite Banking Concept

You owe it to your family to explore the process of becoming your own banker.

Learn to control your capital so you can maximize the efficiency of every dollar you earn while enriching your own family and leaving a generational legacy.

Stop being a passenger.

The Prosperity Pathway

We help patriots boldly command their wealth so that they can take back control of their family's finances and protect against institutional theft.

Freedom Foundation

We will establish a detailed understanding of your financial situation, needs, and family goals.


Financial Education

Goal Setting



We will guide you on how to utilize their whole life insurance to its Max potential.

Infinite Banking Concept

Saving Strategy

Proper ProtectionsDivider



This step is focused on asset control and estate planning for your family.

Living Trust

Complete Policy

Legacy Map



Implementing effective strategies is key to maximizing wealth independence and control.

Tax Strategies

Asset Building

Wealth Expansion



Your Wealth

  • How to Forge a Dominant Defense

  • The Freedom Asset

  • How to Eliminate Outside Debt

  • Ways to Multiply Your Capital

  • The ins and outs of Legacy Planning

Meet the team!

Brian Moody


Brian Moody is not only a Nelson Nash Institute Authorized Practitioner of The Infinite Banking Concept, but he also boasts 15 years of experience as a real estate investor. Since his early adulthood, he has been an avid student of personal finance, continuously expanding his knowledge and refining his strategies.

Brian is deeply engaged in leveraging his Freedom Assets to cultivate wealth and is passionate about empowering others to pursue financial independence beyond the confines of Wall Street. Through his expertise and guidance, he dedicates himself to helping individuals discover the path to financial freedom.

Hans Toohey


As a Naval Aviator, Hans had never questioned much. That all changed in 2021, when his career was derailed by his refusal to accept the unlawful order to be ‘vaccinated’ against the ‘novel coronavirus.’ Seeing behind the veil of medical conspiracy piqued his curiosity to learn where else we had been misled, and he discovered the Infinite Banking Concept as the economic front of the larger battle for control of our behavior. He has not looked back on the DoD, for fear of turning into a pillar of salt.

Contact Us

Irwin, PA 15642

Phone : (724) 454-3584

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