military mandating vaccines

Safe and Effective: Avoiding Shots and Optimizing Finances  | Brian Bio Interview

August 17, 20243 min read

In one way or another, we all want security; A stable job, savings, a retirement to look forward to. Not a lot of us realize our sense of assurance isn’t as secure as we realize; until something breaks. 

In 2021, the U.S. Department of Defense issued a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination order that sent shockwaves through the military community. For Brian Moody, an Air National Guard pilot with 19.75 years of service at the time, this mandate became a pivotal moment that would not only challenge his career but also lead him to double down on a revolutionary approach to personal finance. Standing for his personal beliefs opened the door to financial freedom through the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC).

Vaccine Mandates in The Military 

When the DOD announced the vaccine requirement, Brian, like many service members, faced a difficult decision. With a career spanning nearly two decades, multiple deployments, and numerous accolades, he was at the peak of his military journey. However, his skepticism about the rushed vaccine development and his personal convictions led him to question the mandate.

Despite pressure from leadership and the imminent risk of losing his retirement benefits, Brian chose to stand firm in his beliefs. This decision set him on a path of intense research, not only into vaccine policies but also into utilizing financial strategies that could provide security outside of his military career.

Discovering IBC

A few years prior to this tumultuous time, Brian's quest for financial knowledge led him to Nelson Nash's book "Becoming Your Own Banker." This introduction to the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) proved to be a game-changer. IBC is a financial strategy that uses dividend-paying whole life insurance as a personal banking system, allowing individuals to recapture the interest they would typically pay to banks and financial institutions.

Brian Learned What IBC Gives You:  

1. Financial control: IBC puts you in charge of your banking system.

2. Tax advantages: Policies grow tax-deferred and can provide tax-free loans.

3. Guaranteed growth: Whole life policies offer a guaranteed cash value increase.

4. Liquidity: Access to cash value through policy loans without underwriting.

5. Legacy building: Ability to pass on wealth to future generations efficiently.

Generational Impact

One of the most profound realizations for Brian was the generational impact of IBC. He saw it as a way to not only secure his family's financial future but also to break negative generational cycles. By implementing IBC, he could ensure that his children and grandchildren would have a significant financial head start in life.

He opened up policies for himself and his family after studying the concept deeply. He started using policy loans to finance purchases and investments, all while sharing what he was learning with family and friends  so they could reap the benefits for themselves. 

Crisis Creates Opportunities 

Standing firm in your convictions can lead to unexpected paths. Facing a career-threatening vaccine mandate that could have caused Brian to lose his retirement led him to helping others achieve financial empowerment.

Whether you're facing career uncertainties or simply looking to take control of your financial future, don’t be afraid to question the norm and stand for what you believe in. As Brian's life shows, sometimes the greatest challenges can lead to the most rewarding transformations.

Economic Insurrectionist, Wall Street Secessionist, & NNI Authorized Infinite Banking Practitioner

Hans W. Toohey

Economic Insurrectionist, Wall Street Secessionist, & NNI Authorized Infinite Banking Practitioner

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